Character Full Name: Emily Mae Yao
Based Off: Emily From Corpse Bride
Play By: HoneyGirls
Age: Unknown
Role: Ghost
Species: Ghost
Powers: None
Located: Asylum
Addictions: None
Family: None
Relationship Status: Single
Taken By: Single
Obession: Victor Von Dort
Fears: Being unloved
Disorder: None
Emily's life was built around one day being the perfect wife and mother. She was groomed for this life from a young age. But it was a dream that was not meant to be. She ran away with a man that only seen her for the dollar signs her family was worth. When he saw he would never get a cent. He killed her the night they were to be married. She was buried under the asylum. To be forgotten about. But here in Silent Hill. The dead don't stay gone for long. When she comes to, she sees her body lifeless. Her heart broke and she vowed that one day her dream would be hers. She now haunts the halls of the Asylum. Becoming a nightmare to any man she chooses as her husband-to-be. Right now, it is the handsome young Victor. Will it be a happy ever after or a curse of Victor? That is yet to be seen.