The Primeval Accord {TPA}

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Kyouran Family Playby List

Regarding Playby's, I'm not entirely picky with them. Meaning, more than one member of the family/group could share a playby, just discuss it with each other before hand is all that I ask to avoid fighting. However, multiple playby's with different families can be an exception with things. Example, the same playby could be with the Kyourans and Arkarath's since their two families. It's just how I work. I'm not stingy with the playby thing. Different realms and all that. 

King Raziel Kyouran - No Dedicated Playby
Queen Nezalgria Kyouran - Bianca Beauchamp
Queen Velinda Kyouran - Rachel Rampage
Queen Naimyrth Kyouran - Maria Kanellis 
Princess Savingha Kyouran - Alessandra Gilioli 
Princess Vaeraya Kyouran Blackfyre - Kayleigh Gibby
Princess Sepyrth Kyouran - Maria Brink
Prince Rarsynth Kyouran - Undecided
Princess Virlaeronth Kyouran -Elisa Rose
Princess Lixue Azenith Kyouran - Zephanie Monroe
Princess Regina Kyouran - Nata Lee/Natalya Krasavina
Prince Raziel Jr. Kyouran - Undecided
Princess Vondrolyth Kyouran - Morgan Hollie
Princess Illossis Kyouran - Olivia Livewire
Prince Cyvress Kyouran - Undecided
Princess Natalia Kyouran - Juliet Simms aka Juliet Simms- Biersack
Princess Vaphyss Ciri Kyouran - Taylor Momsen
Princess Bela Mia Kyouran - Ash Costello
Princess Anna Marie Kyouran - Ash Costello
Princess Fancy Raye Arakarath Kyouran - Soleil/brewedmatter 
Princess Halo Arkarath Kyouran - Soleil/brewedmatter
Princess Alyson "Aly" Kyouran - Alissa White Gluz
Empress Kalypso Kyouran - Vicky Aisha 
Empress Emmeline Jane - Supermaryface & Ravengrilm
Empress Jessica Kyouran - Jessica Weaver
Princess Shiakot Primordial Kyouran - Kate Lambert
Shock Skellington - Dayana Crunk
Princess Honey La Mara - dipped/goldenhoneydip
Cheshire Kitty - Anzhelika Anderson
Princess Briar La Mara - Eliza Ibarra
Elodie Kyouran -

08: PM 1 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  



Send to this via message or dm my discord which can be found via the rules.

Desired Role:
Custom Role:
Writing Length:
Writing Sample:
Anything Else You Wish To Add:

07: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Family Rules

To begin things off, there will be a three checkmark punishment. If you get them three times, you will be removed the family and asked to return the page. The main thing that will get you these points is causing drama within the family and don't think I won't go getting both sides of the story, with screenshots and should one side provide such proof and the other doesn't. I'll have no choice but to believe the screenshot that I see. You may be able to redeem yourself later on though. I can be quite forgiving in time. I'm an idiot like that. Now onto the rules.

1. Yes, there is a para minimum to be in this family, but there are exceptions. Mostly those that took on roles before this decision was made, but I know that they are capable of reaching close to that level of writing. For I have seen it for myself. This was put into play for my own enjoyment and because there are member of the family that can write para, or multi-para. I am not asking for much here.

1a. In regard to the above, should members of the family wish to know which members of the family can write para, or multi-para or less. I will reveal that information. For I believe they have a right to know that much at least.

2. While I have other discords, including for my Raziel. I'd prefer if you contacted me on things if you don't have my others on this discord. kingofthejigokuryuu

3. I did change my mind and made a discord server for the group. I do welcome none TPA members into it as well.
If that link does not work, message me and I'll send you one that should. It shouldn't expire.

4.  Drama within the group will not be tolerated and I mean out of character drama. In character drama will be accepted.

5. Not everyone has to write with other's or even add them. If you are denied. Do not keep on trying. They most likely have a reason. I will not pry into the reasons.

6. Ensure you abide by the sites TOS. I will not be afraid to sick Emmi on you. I got her in my back pocket. >.> I feel like I'll get slapped for that one later.

7. If you have ideas for the family, roles, roleplays and so on. I will ALWAYS be open to hear it. Even changes to the original background.

8. Depending on your writing level. You may or may not be limited to a certain amount of roles that you can take. That said, if you come up with said role yourself. You will not be limited. Hm. I think a limit of three would be good for now. Meaning if you want to play another character in the family but already have three. You have to come up with it yourself. However, should something happen, and you leave the family. I request the right to the character you created. Unless you pass away in real life. I'm asking permission and only because it may be involved in the background at a later time. That is the main reason why.

9. Currently, I am looking for two other's admins to help with the family and family page. However, I will be VERY picky on it. As I've learned, I can't truly trust people for such things and those that I do. >.> I'll leave it at that or I'd probably get stabbed for saying Anyway. Earn it if you want that right. I'll probably never have another admin because I trust people far too easily and get fooled later on usually.

10. Keep an eye on these rules. They are subject to change over time obviously. A status will usually be mentioned about these changes. Ugh. Now the idea of a discord page for other reasons is sounding appealing. *sigh.* I might need collars and leashes to keep you all under control. >.>

07: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Kyouran Family Open Roles

These are all the current openings within one of the three families. The same information can be found on the profile under the most wanted section of the profile. Ultimately, unless they are to be children and not siblings of Raziel, there is no limit, or anything is possible. As the admin, I would like the women to be involved with him, but that is just me being greedy honestly. Can you blame me?

The Kyouran Family

Second Parent to Raziel and his Siblings -- The decision if this character is male or female can be left up to the writer of their mother. Along with just about anything else with the role. From playby, name, if they want.

Required Minimum Writing Level -- Para = Being able to post at least a paragraph of detail. Send a sample when you inquire about this role. Regard to the rules about this.

Brief Bio -- Blank for now. 

Couple One/Two/Three -- The decision of this was to create branch families and such to allow the family to grow beyond the main family. Especially for those that may be interested in things here, but not the incest part. This will be their own family within the Kyouran family and can certainly be a sub family, or completely related. Such as a brother and sister to Raziel and Velinda's parents or not. The genders can also be whatever the writers of these roles desire and as such, the names cannot be decided yet. The same applies with the issue about playbys and such as the second parent. These coupled groups will each have one child between their partners and father one child from the other parent of Raziel and Velinda. This is just predetermined and if they desire more children in the past. That is up to the writer as well. At the end, the children will all be connected in one way or another. However, should they be sub families, one of the parents or children must be married to Raziel, Velinda or when they have kids or with Raziel's own mother. Married to one of the children. The later won't be until a time later. It is also possible when a writer for one of the couples is found, that they can request the other to be whatever gender they would like if they'd like the two to be together and may also have full authority over the other writing partner.

Required Minimum Writing Level -- Para = Being able to post at least a paragraph of detail. Send a sample when you inquire about this role. Regard to the rules about this.

Brief Bio -- Blank for now.

Jigoku Ryuu -- This kind of ties in with the above but creating a role that is a Jigoku Ryuu is completely available. Without any sort of incest relation and such at all. Even creating a sub family is on the table. You just need to remember that in order for it to happen, you must be married to Raziel or Velinda or any children born between them. So discussion between that will have to happen. Obviously, best if writers know each other for this sort of thing. Think of it as an arranged married sort of thing. However, you could just be a family less Jigoku Ryuu, a servant, bodyguard. Whatever you would want it to be. Everything about creating this role is up in the air. There are also no limits to how many can take on this role.

Required Minimum Writing Level -- Para = Being able to post at least a paragraph of detail. Send a sample when you inquire about this role. Regard to the rules about this.

Brief Bio -- Blank for now

Siblings of Raziel -- Originally, it was only Raziel and Velinda that was chosen to be siblings. However, while they are unique, it is possible for them to have other siblings that were born at the same time or after long ago. Male or female

Required Minimum Writing Level -- Para = Being able to post at least a paragraph of detail. Send a sample when you inquire about this role. Regard to the rules about this.

Brief Bio -- Brief Bio

The Arkarath Family

The Primordial Family

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