Contacting Alice Liddleton {SHA} {Silent Hills Prized Patient}
Alice Liddleton {SHA} {Silent Hills Prized Patient}'s Interests
•My Disorder•
•The Silent Belle•
Nurse Maggie Belle
My Nurse Belle
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Alice Liddleton {SHA} {Silent Hills Prized Patient}'s Details
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Alice Jean Liddleton is Patient 0114, committed Here in Silent Hills Asylum. She suffers from Schizophrenia and Obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD ). Because of Schizophrenia, she has very bad Visual Hallucinations. This makes her think she is not where she actually is and in her head, she is in her own wonderland. She refuses to take her meds and will fight all hospital staff. She will become violent if pushed to far. Alice Seems to have a love for causing chaos and trouble getting any and all other patients riled up into frenzies as often as she can. Alice has two important roles to her. Her main LI is Max Hatter, Who is now a patient here and her ex-doctor and the other is Dr. Carter. He is highly obsessed with her and is controlling and abusive towards her. Dr.Carson is highly jealous of Alice’s relationship with Max and will punish her severely when he catches her being around Max. Belle is Alice’s Nurse and in her head her best friend and partner in crime. She has delusions they are sisters and has killed other patients out of jealousy.