The Gatehouse
The Fourth Featured profile of SE is ‘The Gatehouse’, the name means a
fortified entry, as in this case for SE it is the building and
headquarters of our Military. You will find Knights of all descriptions
here, mortal and immortal. Being a Demon Kingdom we do have many
species involved in the protection of our kingdom. You can still find
The Knights Templar, 'Order of Solomon’s Temple’, but these Knights are
of a Magic/Demonic force now. If you are interested in any aspect of
the Military, you can inquire on the Main SE Page.
The House of Solomon {Now Shadows of Elysium} has been a kingdom for a
number of Years, formed back in 2006 and The Gatehouse has been there
pretty much from the beginning in one form or another. Many have ruled
there.. There is always a battle
going on somewhere in this universe, be it Earth, Hell, Underworld or
wherever that imagination can take us. So if your character ends up on a
battle field, and is in need of a Demon Army, you know now who to
reach out to, and I am sure if anyone wishes to write an epic war
story, then go for it.