Empire Of Solomon - Blogs http://www.empireofsolomon.com/view_member_blog.php?member_id=613 Blogs From on Empire Of Solomon Luca Roles ( RFA ) 2024-03-26 http://www.empireofsolomon.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000161 All Roles From Luca are open. Everything about them is open to the taker of the role. The only things that are not open. Is please pick face that match what the character looks like. Meaning if they have red hair then so does play by. Nightmare Before Christmas Roles ( RFA ) 2024-03-26 http://www.empireofsolomon.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000160  ✘ Pumpkin King Jack Skellington   Characters Full Name: Pumpkin King Jack SkellingtonPlay By: Chris MotionlessAge: UnknownSpecies: Demon / Skeleton     Relationship Status: Taken Mates To: Barrel & SallyKingdom or Home: RFA Kingdom ( Sub Realm Slumberland )Contact: If you want this role message either