Empire Of Solomon - Blogs http://www.empireofsolomon.com/view_member_blog.php?member_id=174 Blogs From on Empire Of Solomon The Kyouran Family 2024-04-27 http://www.empireofsolomon.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000175 A list of my current connections with this character. If you want to be a connection/create a role to be with me. Just contact me. Not limited to what you will see on here. Just so you know, any connection can also be any of the other connections as well. Example, a wife could also be a slave and so on. A daughter could as well and so on. Makes han Guidelines for Writing with with me! 2023-08-01 http://www.empireofsolomon.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000063 I. I am a detailed writer. This means that I can actually write up to multi-para. I have been at this for quite a long time. I'll write with anyone, but just remember this. The more detail, the more interested I will be to write with you. There are exceptions to this. They should know who they are by now.  Also, please stop with the. I can wri The Kings Infamous Kink List(Long) 2023-07-22 http://www.empireofsolomon.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000056 Here is my list of kinks once again. Not all can turn me on, but I am certainly willing to do. Anything not on here but are curious about. Feel free to ask about it. I took all of these from another site. Where I got this many from. lol.3+ PenetrationAbrasionsAffectionAftercareAge DifferencesAgeplay - While still legal. -_-AhegaoAlternative Pregnan