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46 years old
La Push, Washington
United States - 02578
Last Login: August 15 2024

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Interests: My name is Perseus Summers i am a Mutant as well as a wolf an Alpha of my time an my tribe yes my time i am not of this time or time line i am from an alternete timeline yet i am Gabriel Summers an Leah Clearwaters Son i have there tempers the one person to keep me calm in my twin sister Sienna an guess what she isnt here so go ahead an poke the Big Bad White Wolf i dare ya
Music: Unlike Gabriel Percy mothers haritage of the warriors of the Quileute tribe. He is half Quileute wolf meaning when his Mutant abilities were coming about he was at the age of Man hood according to the tribe so he had to watch his temper when training with his father. One day he lost control of his powers an got fustraiated with him self an grew angry The instinct to phase is only triggered when a tribal member crosses the scent of vampires and senses the tribe′s need of protection. There′s no exact age to determine whether the member is old enough for the gene to activate, only the numbers needed to counter the numbers of approaching vampires. The transformation generally occur roughly when a boy reaches manhood, and is accompanied by a sudden growth spurt lasting for about two months Music: Now as a teenager not only did Percy have to control a highly powerful Mutant ability he had to deal with Shifting into a wolf it wasnt until his father told him of his mothers history Percy took it all in understanding it he left heading out to find if an who was left to help him in the Quileute Tribe on his new found Shifting abilities. Percy found an older man just older then his father as he searched the man went by the name of of Sam an Indian man from the Quileute Tribe a man who lost his wife to illness an is living his days in the forest. The minute Sam saw Percy an how big he was he knew he was a desendent of his tribe. Percy told Sam of his father an who his mother was an how difficult it was trying to control his shifting . Sam laughed realizing Percy other then himself was the leader of a New Pack of any new wolves to come about due to his harritage he was the last an only child other then his twin sister to be born from Sams pack Percy staiyed with Sam for several months learning to control his shifting along with his Mutant Powers together

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Perseus Summers an Sienna Summers were born December 14 2012 to Gabriel Summers an Leah Clearwater twins half Mutant half Wolf . Leah died giving birth to them both setting into motion a war in the future a future Percy came back into time to prevent he came from the time 2035 an journeid back to stop it. Percy did he met his mother an father in his time in the past Percy ended the war in his time his mother servived there birth an Percy stuck around to make sure nothing happen in whitch it did not. Percy returned to his time were it had changed hoping to find his mother an father there he did not his mother was killed in a fit of rage at his fathers own hand not purposely but by acident yet i did not start a war instead Gabriel opend a school in Washington Summers Academy a school not only for Mutants but any being wanting to learn how to control an adapt there powers something he never got fully everything was good his family his father his sister along with his cousins lived well. Percy Lead his own pack of Quilette wolves in this time he was the Alpha due to his liniage. While on patrol one night Percy crossed paths of the mutant know as Fitzro they battled when Fitzro sent Percy back in time ounce again arriving in this time mere months after he left Percy Mutant powers are much like his Father Gabriel Summers. He can manipulate all forms of energy like his father. Charles Xavier commented that he is the most powerful energy manipulator he has ever come across. His psionic powers even allow him to control the psionic powers of others He can also control more esoteric energies like Cyclops' optic force blasts and Adam Warlock's spells. Percy also appears able to absorb energies from almost any source. Percy has a "hidden potential" which allows him to fully generate and have control over the 7 elements (fire, earth, electricity, wind, water, darkness, and light). Due to this supposed/intended ability, it can be argued that Percy is a match for other god-like heroes or villains such as Silver Surfer or Onslaught.

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 Rowena (RFK-CK) 
 Princess Tiana Noelle Dracul - Morningstar ( RFA ) 
 Seraphena morningstar queen of stranger things world 
 Sweet Pixie Queen  
 Queen Mystery La Mara (The Whore of Babylon) ::LMF-SE:: 
 Queen Lilith La Mara [SE-LMF] 
 Little Miss Fox Goddess Candy Fox ~SE~ 
 Princess Regina Kyouran {Daddies Bratty Princess} TPA 
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