♥Empress Kalypso Morningstar-Arkarath-Kyouran-Primordial♥ {RFA-KOS-TPA} {ADMIN}

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Birth of the Twins with Raz & Emi

-Kaly lay on a towel on the patio of her room. The last of the sun's rays warming her skin. She smiled and sat up as the girls growing in her belly kicked and wiggled around. She patted her belly, calming them. The breeze picked up and surrounded her with the salty smell of the sea. The waves crashed along the beach whispering her name and calling her home. She patted her belly again as a contraction hit. She winced a little. This was not her first pregnancy but each one had been different. These twins were a little overdue. She took a deep breath to steady herself as she pulled herself up and walked back to her chambers. The last of the sun's rays leaving the sky and welcoming the night. 

She rang for a maid as she entered her room. She sat on the couch rubbing her belly and trying to steady her breathing as more contractions hit. Each one growing in time and pain. The maid rushed in. Kaly told her to get the midwife and to get her husband and wife here. So that they would not miss the birth of their daughters. The maid bowed and hurried out. Kaly stood to walk to her bed. Before doubling over in pain as another wave of pain hit causing her water to break. She felt herself dropping to the floor. But before she hit the ground a pair of strong and steady arms grabbed her and helped her to the bed. She smiled up at her husband Relik. He kissed her softly as he helped into the bed and held her hand trying to be a calming presents for her.

She took another deep breath as the midwife and her wife Emi entered the room. Emi hurried over to Kaly. She kissed her and held her other hand as she smiled at Relik and Kaly. Kaly smiled a little as she softly spoke to her.- It's about time you got here. - She could not say more before more pain hit her. The midwife hurried to check her. She smiled and said My Empress, it's time to push. One of them is crowning. Kaly nodded and held tightly to their hands as she pushed. Causing the baby to crown more. The midwife smiled and said good, good, empress. One more push. Kaly gave all she could for another push. The first twin slid into the world. Relik took the scissor and cut the baby's cord. The midwife handed her off to a maid to clean. As she turned back to Kaly. One down, one to go, my empress. Kaly nodded weakly as she pushed herself up and grabbed their hands again and pushed hard.
But this baby did not move.

The midwife frowned and had Emi apply light pressure to the top of Kaly's stomach as Kaly gave one more push. This time the baby moved and slid out into the world. Emi smiled down at her daughter as she cut her cord. Kaly smiled weakly as she sat back as the midwife cleaned her up. A maid handed one girl to Relik and the other to Emi. They smiled and sat on the edge of the bed both leaning in against Kaly. Kaly smiled down at both of them as she spoke. - Welcome to the world my sweet Fancy Raye and Halo Annora.

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