Rules Category: Uncategorized
First off I have been role playing for many many years. so this ain't my first rodeo. She does have Discord so it you do and would like it ask. I am only on it when on pc. But I have my main Discord as well but only if she is your Mate/ wife or Lover and I know you or have been role playing for some time then you may ask for my main one.
<p>1: No OOC drama ever at all, YOU add me, then YOU come and talk to me! I will delete those that do not talk in one week. I am here to role play NOT to see how many friends I can get!
<p>2: I expect replies at least 2 times a week, The more the better. If I am your lover or wife,For I am on an lot. But I do understand stuff happens it only takes A moment to come on and tell me if you are not going to be on for an time.
3. I do NOT do one lines at all! para I can deal with, as long as I see you are trying. I can write and lot when I am given something to work with and I would rather be doing Multi- Para and up. So with that being said YOU can NEVER send me to much. So write as much as you would like, Hell the more the better I say. I will not do anything less then Para with my Lovers, Mates, Husbands or Wife's, If I do not have something to work with how can I reply.
<p>4. My character is an Queen she is an Demon, an Dragon of fire. So that means she is an Bitch. She lives in the underworld. She does NOT take being told what to do and will fight. The writer is not, So do not take the way she is to heart. She will yell and curse you out and or call you her pet. It is just the way she is.
<p>5. She will only give into sexual desires, If She is your lover, mate or wife or Husband or her pet.
<p>6. She will only have children with ones she is married to. So YES She will be in A open marriage, If you are not understanding what that means then do not come to me and wanting to be with me.
<p>7. If we get an connection going do not just end or stop replying. If you change your mind then have the balls to tell me.
<p>8. She will take in any one that needs an Mother as long as you can handle her being an bitch and will not back down to anyone.
<p>9. She plays too keep for that means I do NOT walk away from the ones I am with and would like the same in return.
<p>10. I do NOT cross characters so please do not do it as well with me. Meaning If I have you on one of your pages and you come to me on our other page do not think I will be with them or whatever with them When she does NOT know that character and you will have to start an new story if that is what you want with your other pages, I am fine with that as well. Also do NOT ask me if I have other pages! That is not any ones business on what pages are mine. Last I checked this is for FUN and that is the way it will stay.
<p>11. My character, my page, my choice of what I want to put on it and in what order they are, and how I express them on my page. Pressuring me, hounding me, harassing me, TRYING to dominate me, isn't going to get you anywhere. And if you're doing that when I see that your page is utterly blank and doesn't have Her on it, or I'm not in your tops or as your top, THEN YOU'RE MOST DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO GET WHAT YOU WANT.
<p>12. I can add more any time I feel the need to..
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