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The Underground B-sides part 2
Category: Uncategorized

Somewhere in a remote area through a vast country side was a marvelous estate that was gated off and isolated from most of the land. The place had many of beautiful hedges and gardens all around it. With a feeling of a royal castle of sorts as the massive mansion was done in stone and brick and a huge set of double doors of the front entrance. Along the front of the doors was a marvelous golden heart carved along the front of it. And within this massive scale home was a palace of black and red colors. The floor was black tiled with hearts patterned along it. Each room felt more and more grand in passing. All quiet and clean and pristine in the same colors of black and red and heart patterns as well. But far below the surface of this so unique place. The black and red colors soon were replaced with bright lights and white tile floors and walls and sounds of electronics beeping and buzzing. Sterilized rooms and several different rooms filled with various laboratory like equipment and large test chambers empty with shelves along the walls lined with bottles of various compounds and liquids. 

In the far north of this underground lab was a room that read Dr. Katherine Heart. And within in was a massive lab with several of the aforementioned things prior except the sounds of someone humming to their self. A woman, slender and rather small in height was dressed to the nines in a lovely black and red dress with several heart like designs along it. She had medical gloves on and was lightly tapping her fingers along a surgeon tray among a wide variety of surgeon tools. With a syringe in her other hand she turned to gaze to her left. As upon an operating table was the body of a male. He appeared to be alive however. As he was strapped down to the table and naked. But seemingly asleep, most likely under anesthesia. She sat down upon a chair as the operating table was lowered down to her level. This was the very Dr. Katherine Heart herself, a beautiful dark haired woman who had just as much genius as she did looks. However, her tale in the medical field is often a dark shrouded one. 


She was eventually suspended of practice for too many patient deaths. And when the police were finally ready to close in on her for realization of her committing such crimes on purpose. She vanished off the face of the Earth. She became a more underground doctor. Doing surgery work for thousands of people across the globe, such as criminals and most wanted who couldnt simply walk into a hospital for a check up. She seemed to be working on the mouth of the this mysterious patient and it was when suddenly a computer like voice called through the lab; "Mrs. Heart you have Drizella Tremaine on line one" -Katherine sighed; "they are two months early what on earth could they want..." -Katherine paused what she was doing and on her rolling chair she slid across to a desk pressing something on a computer screen that directed the call; "Drizella dear...its far too early for more fairy blood...I told both you and your sisters of the side effects of using too much" -The twisted Tremaine sisters that we come to learn, had beauty beyond that made them near look a golden glow, course that didnt come naturally. Dr.Heart worked on both of them extensively in multiple plastic surgeries and the use of "fairy blood" to keep them flawless. In exchange that they used their deadly looks for Katherine's bidding. 

"I know Dr.Heart and my sister have already run out...and..we need more..." -Katherine sighed; "so I see...the side effects are already taking hold...but I have not acquired enough blood as my husband is still working...what would you even have to offer me?" -Drizella sent screen shots of the recently their abducted Char Aznable and Nick Donia as Katherine gazed at the two men; "wait a mean to tell me you captured two Prince specimens just like that..." -Drizella laughed; "it wasnt as hard as it sounded, they were dying to meet us" -Katherine removed her gloves and started to roll over the screens more; "impressive for the both of you...while these are not the two im most interested in..they will make wonderful replacements for Phillip..he is ...shall we say running dry" -Katherine looked over as the man had seemingly awoke from his anesthesia and was struggling to move; "HELP HELEP!" -Katherine sighed; "very well send them to the usual husband should be there...and you can have what reserves of the blood are left...should be enough to last a year though appearing at the rate you two are consuming maybe half that time now..." 

-Katherine hung up and swiftly slid her chair back across as she gazed down at the man struggling; "Mr.Donavon im deeply sorry but I must cut the operation short..." -The man screamed for help; "LET ME GO YOU CRAZY BITCH" -She smiled as she reached back grabbing a large metal bucket and would place it at the head of the table he laid and she she stood up as her long stilettos clicked across the ground before she stepped on a pressure switch; "im afraid we will have to speed this up..." -The switch when pressed instantly dropped some sort of guillotine like contraption from above that sliced his head clean off as blood splashed everywhere and his head cut smooth off fell into the bucket and she gave a relaxing sigh; "now lets continue shall we" 

-Meanwhile, in Vegas, Mal had landed and they were back at Fantasy Records. The whole place was in turmoil as she was screaming and yelling at all office staff still stunned by her sudden return. Multiple authorities had entered in and out speaking to Mal as they were communicating with authorities back in Orlando as well working around the clock for a lead on Char and Nick. Mal finally finished speaking with the last of detectives before spotting Dia in the hallway as she signaled for her to come follow. Once they made it inside a small conference room. Mal sighed; "so far the only lead we they were spotted with the Tremaine sisters at a local club..." -Dia instantly raised a brow and then looked to Mal; "did you?" -Mal quickly stopped her; "of course I didnt...but...we both know what that means Dia..." -Dia titled her head; "The Queen of Hearts...shes already starting again" -Mal nodded as Dia sat down seemingly in her own thoughts for a moment; "They are as a good as know it" -Mal looked to Dia and sighed; "not quite...we still have time." -Dia got from her seat and shook her head; "To do what?!" -She shouted as Mal raised her hand; "we will rescue him..." -Dia laughed hysterically; "There it is again!...what do you see in this man that makes him worth such effort!..." -Mal finally looked down and gave a soft sigh; "Char...has learned to use this reality Dia.." -Dia looked up with a sudden glare; "you lie..." -Mal shook her head; "it was the entire reason why I had to use the sleeping beauty curse on him and keep him asleep when I did...he has discovered to use his own magic...something only a tiny fraction of our species can do...and I cant let him just slip away from me..." 

-This changed many of things for Dia, it only fueled her hatred for Charming more for sure but soon the pieces of everything began to come together more easily. Magic in the real world wasnt so easy to utilize, something the fable species soon discovered when they were created here. Char has surpassed all of them, but perhaps she could find out just how he did it. Diablo only gave Mal a more curious glare now and spoke softly; "so what do we do?" -Mal smiled a wicked grin knowing she had Dia in to help now. "unfortunately...the contact information I had for Katherine has long since become a dead end...once she lost her practice. She fell of the face of earth...but...much like the Tremaines she has other pawns working for her..." -Mal had a piece of paper with an address wrote on it; "theres an old bar outside skirts of the desert here in Nevada...a man named Alex Dumpty hangs around there..." -Dia took the paper as Mal stood up; "he will have the information we seek...acquire this for me...and I will give you what you want Diablo" -Diablo shot up suddenly questioning her once more; "and you just so happen to know what that is?" -Mal reached for the door to leave but paused; "Char will be in no shape to headline Arcadia this year...I will need a replacing headliner...I expect that to be you" -It was a shock hear such a thing but Diablo played it cool as she took a breath folded her arms; "consider it done" 

-Mal left the room and off Diablo went on her personal "mission" to say. She went alone for not to bring too much attention, plus she knew she could handle herself if she had to. Though this bar she never heard of, "The Wall" as it was called. Was just an old watering hole, that supposedly had been around since the gold rush days. It was a long drive as the quiet ride into the dark of the desert gave Dia much time to think. She was mad at herself on so many levels, getting involved with Mal again like this. But the promise of what was offered, and the potential of so much more. Her own plan was forming in her head. And soon arriving to this bar before she knew it. It was about what you expect, an old time establishment, run down wooden looking place.

 There wasnt much out this way, a small gas station a little ways back. And to the far east of the bar, one could spot a massive house, most likely belonged to the owners of the bar. There wasnt a soul around. It almost felt abandoned but there was neon sign that said open so Dia headed for the door and inside, there was a low tone of music playing on the jukebox and no one around at all. A few booths along the place and a main center of the place was the bar of course.


 Dia walked forward and sat down at the bar waiting before finally speaking "hello?...anyone here?"...I could use a drink?" -She said only to hear the sound of commotion from a back area and sound of a older lady speaking out; "One second hun..." -After a few minutes the door opened and a large, older lady appeared smoking a cigertte and was basically in night gown and slippers as she approached. Dia stared for a second then looked around; "well arnt chu the most purrty little thing" -Dia gave a fake smile and saw several bottles along the back wall as she was for sure wanting that drink now; "We dont get many visitors this time of day...i was just about to close up and head to bed myself...but Ill get you something dear what will it be.." -Dia looked to the old lady; "whiskey...neat please..." -The lady grabbed a glass and reached down below for a bottle and slid it down to her as Dia looked confused; " look like someone who needs more than the glass...whatever brought you out this must be something" 

-Dia laughed and this lady was sure inviting as she took upon herself to grab the bottle and open it pouring it into the glass; "thanks...suppose its been a long day for me..." -The lady walked down to where Dia was standing in front of her; "what brings you?" -Dia took a long swig of the whiskey and downed it easily; "Im actually looking for someone...a man?..." -The lady raised a brow shaking her head; "lemme guess Alex?...that shit ass aint been around in days...whats a good looking woman like you want with trash like that?" -Dia laughed; "well I have a few questions for him is all" -The lady poured Dia another shot; "you a cop?..." 


-Dia shook her head; "definitely not a cop...its a favor...for my ex.." -the lady laughed; "honey I dont know what any of that means but it sounds like you need the rest of the bottle...ill tell ya what...I can see if I can get a hold of him..he aint far from here..." -Dia nodded; "thank you..." -she downed another shot of the whiskey, and another, each shot tasted better and better which was odd but not really something of a big deal at first, was she already getting drunk? no way, she could handle her own, even though drugs and alcohol were harder on fables, she knew her limits and two shots wasnt it. "Well you are in luck...he is on his way..." -the lady came back from the back and Dia suddenly felt heavy, instantly she went to grab for the bottle but the lady snatched it back from her as she watched Dia struggle to get up and stagger; "boy Mal loves sending her own to their doom easily I tell ya...honey I could smell ya when you walked should have brought a friend" -Dia got up off the stool but walking felt impossible, she stumbled forward trying to get out of this bar. To fall so quick to something so simple was foolish, the bottle was drugged prior and it made all the sense why the lady grabbed it from the bottom shelf. She made it toward the end of the bar to the exit. Only to see a massive man near the door who locked it back back and turned the sign around to close; "well what do we have here...." -he had a heavy country accent and a large beard, the man wore overalls and boots and was a bit dirty looking like he had just come from rolling around out in the wilds somewhere. He watched as Dia fell forward out cold falling right onto him as he grabbed her by the waist; "well look like we done caught us a prize Duchess..." -The old lady gave a smile as Alex tossed the unconscious Dia over his shoulder;        

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