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Horsemen of Death.
Category: Uncategorized

Lord Apocalypse, may I have a word. Kratos words came from behind Apocalypse as he was standing in front of the monitor where he was examining his blood after the new affects of the Hyper Force Tiamut had given him. Apocalypse turned to see his Horsemen of War standing behind him. "Kratos. What can I do for you, my old friend." Kratos felt he didn't need to stall and just be upfront with what he desired. "I know of your sudden increase in power and how you came about it. I need it. I deserve that power." Apocalypse looked down at his loyal Horsemen. A brow raised and a bit of shock in his eye from the sudden request for more power. Although it was a surprise. "Kratos, why do you need more power? With the power I have already given you, you can do more than you could years before. Besides..." Apocalypse paused and returned his sights to the computer screen. 


"The power is unpredictable. I, myself, almost did not survive the receiving of the Hyper Force. I do not know if you can withstand it yourself." Apocalypse said turning back to look at Kratos. "Perhaps, but I am not afraid to die. If I do, it will just be a small failure. Besides, I can easily come back from the dead just like before." Kratos said crossing his arms across his chest and looked up toward Apocalypse. Apocalypse said nothing for a second. Only stared back at Kratos before letting a grin fall onto his lips. "I see you will not back down from this. I did prepare. My blood filled with the power of the Hyper Force is already in the stage to use. I was only merely looking over some results to see if the other Horsemen could survive this. But you will be the first to test it out, since that is what you want." Kratos grinned and removed his arms from over his chest and smirked. "Yes, it is what I want."


As they made preparations for the transformation. Apocalypse warned Kratos of the intense pain what will come from this. But being who he was, he only grinned and said nothing. Kratos climbed into the sarcophagus Apocalypse used before the transformation to Horsemen of War. �With this, you will become the Horsemen of Death, Kratos. With that alone you shall become even more powerful than you are now and the leader of my Horsemen." Apocalypse said. "And in addition, you will receive the Hyper Force. It is only a small portion of the power I received, but that is more than enough. With it, you will become more powerful than anything in his planet." With that said, the sarcophagus began to close. Kratos laid there patiently waiting for it to begin. Apocalypse walked to the controls and pressed the button to begin the transformation. 


As the blood of Apocalypse was placed into the syringe. The needles side into the tiny holes in the sarcophagus and soon pierced into Kratos skin. He felt the slightly pinch, but didn't react to it. He didn't show signs of pain until the blood began to pump into his veins. As it entered him, it was a intense hot feeling. His breathing began to increase slowly, soon breathing abnormally. His hands clenched into fists and squeezed his fists closed tightly. He tried to hold back the pain as much as he could, but soon found it to be impossible. The blood of Apocalypse began to do its work. It fused with the blood already in Kratos blood system and soon began to fuse itself with Kratos blood and DNA. Kratos began to struggle with in the confines of the sarcophagus. He could no longer contain his screams of pain. His body began to glow white from the heat coming from inside of him. 


It felt like his insides were being melted together from the heat, even moving cause him pain but he couldn't help it. Breaking free from the straps that held his wrists to down to avoid from hurting himself. The palm of his hands touched the glass of the sarcophagus. Apocalypse stood a watchful eye over Kratos, making sure it wouldn't be to much for him to handle, and this wasn't even the worst of it. Soon Kratos began to punch the top of the sarcophagus, screaming in agony as the pain only seemed to increase with no sign of it fading. Now with the addition to the feel of his insides on fire and the feeling of them melting, they felt as they were being ripped apart, his bones breaking. Soon, with whatever force he could muster. He sent the door of the sarcophagus flying forwards. This did get Apocalypse a bit by surprise. It took great strength to rip the door from his sarcophagus, even he had some difficulty in doing so. Kratos screams could be heard louder than before since they were being muffled by the confines of the sarcophagus. He began to try and climb out of the large tomb. Apocalypse moved quickly and placed his hands onto his chest and shoulder and pinned him down, trying to keep him from moving, at all if possible. The pain was more intense that Apocalypse predicted. The thought of Kratos death now looked more of a reality then before. But they both knew he would fight it until the very end.


As the moments passed, the pain increased more and more. To the point where Kratos could no longer scream from bursting his voice box. Just the sight of him struggling from behind the hands of Apocalypse could determine that he was still in excruciating pain. Kratos hands held onto the sides of the sarcophagus and began to bend the metal that made what now seemed like Kratos coffin. It seemed like hours for a procedure that only lasted a few minutes and its pain no more than 45. Soon, the bright white glow from Kratos body began to fade, the heat also subsided. His breathing was heavy but his struggling came to a stop almost immediately after the white glow left his body. Once the pain was completely gone, Kratos fell into a sleep.


It was about four days later after the transformation. Kratos was still laying in a cot in the secret location of Apocalypse lab. Instantly opened and he sat up on the cot. He tried to speak but nothing came out. His hand came onto his throat, his voice box was healed but his mouth and throat was dry. Seeing a barrel of water sitting by the bed, he wasted no time and picked it up and gulp every drop of water within it. He was still weak from the whole ordeal, but could instantly feel the difference in his power. So the pain he felt days before was well worth it. Even until now he could still feel the pain he went through, but it didn't matter to him. The transformation was done and he was still alive. Standing to his feet, he let the barrel drop and walked toward the mirror. He looked slightly pale, more than his usual. But he could see his color slowly return to his regular ghost like color. Moving his arms up and clenching his hands into fists, he could feel the power surge thought him. Surely he thought he would have died in the middle of all this, but with him standing before this mirror now. He knew he was meant for this power. 


Walking out of the room, he leaned against the metal railing and looked down toward the lab area, seeing Apocalypse exchanging words with Mr. Sinister. Standing up straight, he teleported down. Once vanishing behind both of them, he could feel it still took a lot out of him. Even with a simple teleportation in a small distance he lost a good amount of energy. Standing to try and regain his composure. He looked over to Apocalypse as he was helping to his feet. "Kratos, you must be resting. You have been out for the past four days. You need more rest. This transformation was one of the most difficult to go through. No one should have survived it, but have surpassed my expectations, Kratos. Just by being alive at this moment." Taking all Apocalypse has said, he nodded slightly and stood straight up in his own strength. "And I will use this power at my advantage, Apocalypse. This power will not go to waist. That you can be sure of." He said standing back slightly. "If I must rest, I shall do so in my home. If you would please aid me, and teleport me back to Sparta. I seem to be drained of energy in my last attempt in teleportation." He said. Apocalypse nodded and raised his hand. With a simple thought Kratos was sent back to Sparta and in his bedchambers. Taking the advice his oldest friend gave to him. He walked to his bed and fell into it. Resting for the next few days until he has regained his full strength and got the chance to test his new power as the Horsemen of Death infused with the Hyper-Force.

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